Join us for our Summer small group Bible study entitled

Conduct in the Church: Growing in Godliness

What: A small group, 9 week Bible study focused on God’s design for the Church.   A great opportunity to be encouraged and have fellowship with others.

Who: Anyone and everyone! Life-Link is designed to connect the generations – all ages are invited to participate. You are encouraged to bring guests!

Where: The small groups meet in the homes of group leaders and/or members. One group will be meeting at church.

When: Throughout the summer, groups will meet on Tuesday or Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. through September 1st.

How to Register: All the information regarding where each group is meeting is posted in the Church foyer. Select the group that will work best for you, your family, and any guests. You can sign up on the sheet at the Church or you can contact the church office to sign up or for additional information.

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