
Our Lord Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Act 20:35).

Important Notice – Our Online Giving platform has changed from TwoMites to SubSplash. Therefore the website format might look a bit different, but it is still all going to the same place. Thank you.

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General Ministry Fund

The ministry of First Baptist Church is financially supported solely through the free-will offerings of His people.  During our Sunday worship services, we take time to joyfully worship the Lord by giving to the Lord our offerings.  You can also give online today.  Offerings to this fund provide for the general on-going ministry needs of First Baptist Church.   Approximately 1 out of every 4 dollars given  goes directly to our world missions program.

Deacons’ Fund

This special fund is used to meet unexpected needs within our church family or within the community.  The Deacons’ Fund offering is taken after our Communion Service (typically, the first Sunday of each month) or you can give online.

Building Fund

As a church we have unanimously entered into “A Time To Save.”  Specifically, we are saving money to purchase land that will be the future site of our ministries.  We desire to build church facilities that will be centered around our corporate worship and be user friendly, handicap accessible, and allow for future expansion.  If you would like to give to this fund, please indicate “Building Fund” on your check or offering envelop or select “Building Fund” when you give online.